Our Hotel is located in the Restricted Traffic Zone (ZTL) of the Old Town Active from Monday to Friday from 6.30 am to 6 pm and on Saturday from 2 pm to 6 pm. On Fridays and Saturdays ZTL Active also from 11 pm to 3 am.

On Sundays and holidays, transit is allowed at any time (except extraordinary bans).

We kindly invite our Guests to check the above information before entering the ZTL to avoid possible administrative penalties.

In the days/hours when access to the ZTL is prohibited (indicated with light panels saying ZTL ACTIVE) it is possible to park your car on a road marked with Blue stripes for 4.00 Euro per day about 600 meters from the hotel outside the ZTL in Via Cavour or Via degli Annibaldi or areas adjacent to Piazza della Repubblica.

If you wish to leave your car in a guarded Garage we recommend the Garage in Via Parigi 19 at a cost of 30/40 Euro/day located about 700mt from the Hotel reachable in 10/15 minutes walk or by cab in 5 minutes at a cost of about 10 Euro.

On the days of free circulation in the ZTL (indicated with luminous panels saying ZTL NOT ACTIVE) you can reach the garage in the immediate vicinity of the Hotel located about 200mt in Via Sant' Agata dei Goti, 19 for 40.00 Euro/day.

Other Garages within the ZTL (accessible on Sundays and after 18:00 from Monday to Friday or on Saturdays by 14:00): - EUROPARKING: Via Napoli 66 - 25/30 Euro/day about 500mt from the Hotel.

Reservation is not possible/necessary for the Garages.
For any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.